Many of the photos posted to One Photo Club are driven by our theme prompts, notably #opcWeeklyTheme, #opcSpecialTheme, and #opcOnThisDay.
A new #opcWeeklyTheme starts every Wednesday and runs daily until the next weekly theme is announced.
An #opcSpecialTheme is a one-day-only prompt that only happens occasionally.
To post for either of these, simply include the current topic as a hashtag in your post and add either #opcWeeklyTheme or #opcSpecialTheme so others know what you’re posting about.
Here’s an example for the #opcWeeklyTheme of #green:

If the #opcWeeklyTheme doesn’t suit your fancy, you can choose your own personal theme for the week instead. Feel free to suggest a future theme, too.
To post a photo that happened on this day in a previous year, just include #opcOnThisDay and the year of your photo.
Just remember that all posts should be from your own travel or outdoor adventures!
Follow @themes for theme announcements
Both the #opcWeeklyTheme and the occasional #opcSpecialTheme are announced via the @themes account, so you’ll want to follow it and turn on notifications.
To do that, go to the @themes profile, click follow, and then click the bell icon next to it.
Subscribe to the OPC Themes Calendar
In addition, you can subscribe to the public calendar feed in your calendar app of choice. This allows you to see what’s scheduled in the future and can also serve as a daily reminder. The title of each event contains the hashtags to use in your post.
You can add the below ics link as a subscription in your calendar:
Have a suggestion for a theme? Let us know!
You can also bookmark this page and check the below calendar manually.